Monday, 19 September 2011

A sign of the zeitgeist

Yes! I am not fragmented and scattered but a symptom of the zeitgeist. Andrew Marr and his Start the Week guests, Google creative director Tom Uglow and cybercrime specialist Misha Glenny, have confirmed it. I am merely ahead of my time. Though born to the pre-digital age, I am a product of the Post-Digital age! My hard-wiring has shifted. Fragmented is the new normal! I should not berate myself in the manner of old-school art historians shunning unmade beds and pickled sharks or arthouse film directors sneering at Hollywood. No. I am beyond that. Henceforth I shall be Proud to be Fragmented. Shall design Fragmented Pride T-shirt. Hmmm. That doesn’t work. Pride is newly buffed up, not in tatters. Flutterbrain Pride? Scatterbrain Pride? Hmmm. Will work on it. 

Yes! Proud to be me!

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